Thursday, June 25, 2015

Strange Dreams, Part Three

   A third listing of strange dreams I've had, as best as I can remember them the next morning. (See here and here for previous listings.)

     2-21-15, Our family was living in a tent in a corner of a pasture. There were woods on one side of the field, and I saw two enormous bears right along the fenceline.

     5-14-15, Our whole family was at this Fall Creek-like gathering at Camp Beth-Eden; that was a little odd. And this guy Dad knew from high school was trying to talk me into a summer internship working with his church in Branson.

     5-14-15, I was at this Gatsby-like party, talking to the hostess; a tiny blonde girl. She was very friendly, and she even asked me out on a date. You wouldn't have guessed anything was not-right healthwise, but she was hooked up to an oxygen tank.

     5-19-15, It was the first day of a new course, maybe of summer? And it was some kind of accounting, But anyway, I kinda fell apart, launching into a monologue about the stupidity and failure of the higher education system, and then the teacher flunked me for it. Mom and Dad were worrying about me, and so was Amanda. I was trying to decide if I should stay in Claremore or not, and NSU folks were trying to get me to come back to Tahlequah. There was this movie I was watching, and Elizabeth, Jacob and Susan, plus a lot of other people I know, were trying to talk me into coming back. They were all on one side of the theater, I was sitting by myself on the edge of the other side, and behind people from RSU(I don't know any of them, but Fulton from The Mighty Ducks was there) were trying to get me to stay. Obviously, the movie didn't get watched hardly at all; it was an unpleasant experience. Like the real-life Amazing Spider-Man experience, I have no idea what was happening on the screen. Anyway, all the worrying and stress of trying to make this decision made me sick - enough to go to the doctor - only I had to babysit Amy that day, so I was trying to keep an eye on her while finding the doctor's office. And then once we finally found it, Jack Dalton from MacGyver offers to keep an eye on her. So I decline politely, and then I wake up. It was one of those unfortunate experiences when real life keeps going in a fictionalized manner at night and the dream just goes on forever. Also, the first part up until the theater was in third person, and then it switched to first person.

     6-15-15, Something to do with dealing with Muskogee distant relatives, and Westville, and housesitting, and was this litter of sick kittens, and a couple of miniature pet dinosaurs, and the dinos and cats got into a fight and chewed each other all up...

     6-16-15, Not really sure what was happening, exactly, but it had something to do with hockey, Gordon Bombay, and the courtship of Ronald Reagan and Nancy Davis.

     6-24-15, lots of two-hour STRESS/PANIC nights of programming. Lots of running and chasing, and looking for important lost objects. Also unexpectedly running into somebody I hadn't known for quite a while. Also, in the "cinematic" division of my personal Dream Productions(see Inside Out) involved a third-person look at a man who looked kinda like Samuel L. Jackson running down an interstate carrying an old lady in one arm and a machine gun in the other. The lady says, "But I thought you were going to protect me!" "I am. But I lied, ma'am. I'm not a cop. I'm a hit man." And with that, he shoots somebody in a car.

     6-25-15, Most of this dream takes place in Westville. It started with the end of a movie, one of those with multiple twist endings depending on whether a character did this or that somewhere in the past. This princess gets adopted into becoming the heir of the throne, which brings an Apocalypse-type event for their civilization. However, in the wreckage, survivors invent a new sport involving go-karts, archery and baseball, which gets adapted into pinball as we know it today.
     Nano's not doing too well, and so most of us(except Courtney and Caleb) come over to work on things. There's a football game on TV that she and Trevor are watching intently, which is strange, since neither of them really care much about football. She really wants some ice and fruit pies, so Dad, Amy and I go to get them. The ice is at Shuttle Stop(why?) which Dad completely forgets about and he drives north instead of west, winding up in Siloam Springs(which looks like Louisville now?). Also, Harps has been replaced by a PetsMart/Reasor's-looking store called "Beffy". At a Siloam car wash I continue Amy-minding while Dad finds some pies, so we get two strawberry, two raspberry, a blueberry and a mixed-berry.
     Then there's this kind of family reunion-type deal that Mom wanted to go to with a local gospel band giving a concert that's being held at this little church in town somewhere, Scotty and Brad DeSpain are two of the band's members. Once that ends people just stand around and talk for a while. Samara comes into the building, looking for her dad and one of her little sisters, and me and Dad talk with her for a bit, she mentions that she's heading for Chicago. I wish her good luck, and I think I mostly meant it, not just being polite. She disappears into the bathroom; Dad says, "Why won't she ever trust me?" I shrug. Just then I noticed that my "Courage" rubber bracelet has snapped, which is really disappointing. Amanda's across the room, and I was going to say hi, but then she gets to talking with Avril Lavigne, so I didn't want to interrupt. By now most of the people have left, and so Avril Lavigne picks up a guitar that one of the gospel-band players left behind and gives a lesson on how to play a song called "Unstoppable" and her song Darlin'.

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