Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Strange Dreams

     I go through times where I'll have all these varied, detailed dreams at night, then go for a couple months without having any. Does anyone else do that, too?

     Usually they involve people I know, who are generally in a place that's unnatural for them to be. Or it's cinematic quality, complete with background music, changes in lens perspective and cutting.
     Or the less-interesting true-to-life dreams that have this weird way of actually happening at some point in the future; eating pizza, writing a grocery list, sitting in a psych class untaken at the time, or visiting friends you hadn't met yet.
     And cats. If the dream involves a cat, sometimes that really happens. Not in exactly the same way as the dream, but the actual event itself has the same theme and end result.

     Over the past eight months or so, since January, the dreams I've had are really chaotic; loaded with action and filled with danger. And they've mostly pieced together a story; with many gaps, but still, glimpses of some larger tale.
     For about four or five nights in a row, I was getting chased and shot at by these angry-looking thugs in basically every scene from any action movie ever made. I was trying to get away from them, they were interrupting my mission, which was to find someone. Gradually I learned I was looking for Ash, she was in some potentially-fatal situation and needed rescuing. (This is strange. See the sentence above, "people I know in unnatural habitat"? Can't imagine anyone less likely to need a rescue if caught in spy/war movie situation.)
     Skip ahead a ways in this dream-world, two or three months in real time, I suppose she was saved, thought details are unspecified, and by weapon and actions unknown I was wounded. I know this because I had just gotten out of the hospital at the time of the next installment, and was visiting her family in their apartment. It could have been awkward for sure, as I'd never met any of them before, but things went smoothly, chatting about whatever like I'd known them for years. Anyway, there's these bombs that starting falling, so we have to evacuate, debris is crashing down as we run down the hallway, flames begin to emerge in some places, the elevator develops gaping holes in the floor and ceiling. We all scramble out, and head...somewhere else in the city along the newly potholed, cracked and decimated streets. Our destination is unknown, for the scene ends there, as this first raid of a much larger war begins.
     I don't know what this war is about, or who we're fighting, but we're right in the thick of things. And it always seems to be raining; the sky is constantly displaying a threatening, overcast look. And the contacts I've made in actual life, knowing people all over the country and in a variety of job-related fields, have provided a gold mine of things important to our group's living another day/defeating our opposition/fulfilling different missions. The next night there was another attack; we were in some kind of base; there were massive projectile launchers(Rifles or cannons, with some element suggestive of lasers) that were being fired. Besides Ash and I, Dad was there, and many other soldiers. I was planning a strategy for defense of our base; giving orders to people.
     About a week after that real-time, a new episode was discovered; it was sometime in winter, a light snow was falling, apparently things had calmed down somewhat, though our band of hunted rebels were still being tracked. Ash and I were on some kind of retreat/vacation thing, at Westville, visiting with Nano. Dad and Trevor were there, too. Out of nowhere, a surprise raid was launched, forcing us into a hasty evacuation to Tahlequah, where we landed in my dorm in Ross. All safe, even Nano, but the ride there had been an eventful one, our nerves were very shaken as we tried futilely to not worry about what going to happen next.
     That's where those scraps of fragmented story arc end at the moment; so I don't know what happens at the end. Who are we fighting? Why are we always on the run, being hunted? What caused this war?

     In other stressful/intense/traumatic dreams unrelated to that unfolding saga, there was this previously mentioned scene in January, as referenced in "Blog Post No. 100"
     "Usually my dreams are very cinematic in quality, just like watching a movie. Not only am I watching the film, but I also have a role in it. This time it was near the end of the film, my character(I never learned his name) and his sister Elizabeth stumble into the bad guys' secret lair or hidden mine or whatever. Except it was in a deserted alleyway. Anyway, we're trying to figure out what to do, when the bad guy, a large balding very angry man, finds out we found this spot out, so he tries to kill us, by bashing us over the head with a large heavy snow globe-type object. I somehow wrestle it away from him, and then this older lady, who we're kind of scared of, she seems mean, barges in and in so doing, distracts us all. Turns out she's a very nice lady, famous, but misunderstood, so she just seemed to be mean and unpleasant. Well, while we're all distracted, the man throws a kitchen knife at us(it's one of those freakishly long and sharp ones), it's hurtling at me, and the lady deflects it with her umbrella. The knife falls to the ground off to our left, the man is charging towards us, everything is in confusion - and that's when I wake up. Pretty good dream, actually; this one had a plot, which most of the dreams I've had over the last month haven't, they've just been isolated action scenes." 

     In another stressful dream that took place sometime in May, the illogical part of your mind that always stays on was working overtime. I had no comprehension of what was going on even within the dream, although it featured Iron Man and Creek the cat, and Captain America leaping through time by warping into and out of the days of a calendar that looked like a digitalized version of the "Payday" board. 

     Several months passed without any unusual dreams, then I awoke startled and terrified from a nightmare a couple weeks ago, sure that Trevor had been run over and killed, still in shock about that. Then I realized where I was, and that he had not been run over, and it was time to leave camp in a few hours. 
     And Sunday was the same type of dream, Amanda had died of cancer. That didn't happen, either. 

     Hopefully tonight I can get some normal sleep, but if I have any other unusual dreams I'll add them to this post sometime in the next couple days. 
     Must have hit some button, that text above looks different...has some kind of background color. I'm tired.

     UPDATE THURSDAY MORNING - Yep. On two nonconsecutive hours of interrupted sleep, Dylan and I had to get to Rogers, Ark. in order to get a book at the library before they closed at noon. And part of the highway was being used as a physics test for a possible new Silver Dollar City roller coaster.

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