Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Bits From All Over the Place

   School! School. School? School..Yeah, school.

   That's basically all I've been doing lately. Not too exciting, just time-consuming and stressful. Lots of tests and papers with the semster winding down and all.

   Other things that have been happening....hmm. Well, I finally bought some decorations for my room, like everyone was telling me I should do. I got a Rudolph Christmas stocking and one of those desktop Christmas trees. They make it a little brighter and more home-like in here, sort of calming. And the basketball hoop needed company. Now, why did I get those two items, you might ask? Well....I like Christmas, for one thing. For another, they were the only decorations I knew where to find in Wal-Mart, haha. They're colorful, which was needed. And I've got this thing for Christmas trees...(I'm sure that will become a post of its own here in a few weeks, working on it.)

   It is nearly Thanksgiving, and it can't come fast enough! Family, food, football, resting, sale-finding, break from coursework...and Christmas music on the radio. Thanksgiving's my favorite holiday, it's the least stressful.

   My friends Alton and JB got married Saturday, so I went to the wedding. It was a good one; whatever the criteria for wedding-rankings are. In the town where I grew up, at the church where the drama group started their practices, with people around that I'd known for a while. It was good to see those people again.
   When they started dating, we all teased them about getting hitched, asking when the bells would ring and things like that, they just kind of laughed it off. Anyway, they got engaged sometime around spring, and that was the way things should be, that was good. Very happy for them, they both love the Lord, and each other, and hopefully their life will go well.

   As for everyone else that was part of the homeschool group; we've kind of all moved on into our separate pathways, we're grown adults now, and beginning that journey. For some it's a struggle, for some there aren't too many hurdles. For some life hasn't changed that much, for others it might soon, for still others the world's been flipped upside down. Starting college, new jobs, attempting to chart out the future, get everything figured out, trying to find where you fit into this big world.

   Josh and Dylan are both good about keeping me updated on life back at GBC, and they're sort of using my experiences out here to help guide their decisions on what to do soon. Bennett's once in a while asking for advice or prayer on some subject or other, maybe I can sort of encourage him in the faith like Daniel has done for me; I don't know, we'll see.

   DC Talk and Owl City are terrific to listen to while studying for tests, very calming. That reminds me...I've got a history test in the morning, and a psychology test Thursday afternoon...I need to get back to work.


  1. Love to read your blog blurbs, Wesley. It was great to see you and your family at Alton's wedding. We have a fire in the wood stove tonight and that feels homey, but that might be a bad idea in a dorm room! Work hard; it will be worth it.

    1. Thanks for reading :) Woodstove fires sound nice and peaceful. I'm trying, thanks for the encouragement.
