There probably should be lots to write about, but I can't really think of much of anything interesting or newsworthy to tell.
Reading Mitford, watching Amy and Trevor, cleaning, ping pong....
Amy turned seven on Friday, she LOVED all the attention and presents and cake, just the fact that it was her birthday.
Dad, Caleb and Trevor went camping last week.
Rags' kittens are old enough to be outside now; they haven't quite adjusted just yet. She seems relieved, though.
Went to Westville yesterday, it was good to see Nano.
There are lots of things going on in May. Lots of folks I know slightly graduated from NSU recently, Brenna graduated high school last week, and Dylan Steeley graduates this week. Dylan Underwood and Grace Discher got married last Saturday, Daniel and his fiancee Chrissy get married this Saturday, and James Hoover and Chelsea are getting married next week. And Mrs. Hollis is organizing a writer's conference coming up soon.
Feels like I ought to be watching Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. right now.
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