Tuesday, December 25, 2012

A Holiday Post

     Here it is, December 25. The presents have been opened, the siblings playing with thier gifts, the Thunder game will start in a couple hours, and my phone's been lighting up with "Merry Christmas!" texts.

     I'm not materialistic enough for a modern holiday, I guess. Everyone kept asking "Is there anything you want this year?" "Um....no, not really, I can't think of anything." "..Oh. Hmm. It's just really hard to think of something." "Things" are nice, but...it's more important to have family and friends around to spend time with.

    Went to church Sunday for the first time in over a month, it was great to be back at GBC. Everbody said something like "You're back!" "We're so proud of you, Wes!" or "Welcome home!". Good friendly people and good teaching.

     It's a little odd to be home again, but it's a welcome change from life on campus. Though it does feel extremely strange to not be going to class and everything...got an A in every class(yes, even Comp I), so that's good, 4.0 GPA through one semester. I wasn't expecting that, but I'm glad. 14 credits down, 110 to go...

     This has been a very hard four months. Learned a lot, about school subjects, about myself, about life, about God. Extremely thankful for the friends and other people the Lord placed along my path to help me through, not sure I could've made it without the encouragement(sometimes daily), advice and prayers of Amanda, Jessica, Josh, Sam and Steven, then Ash, Daniel, Dylan, Jon and Maddie all played key smaller roles.

     I'm only taking 12 hours this semester, but that's offset by a math course. I figured I'd better knock it out as fast as I could, and just try as best I can to understand it. And also computer science, but my tech-genius cousin Logan offered to help me get through that. Then there's Comp II(with a different teacher, thank goodness), and Basic Writing for the Media, those sound challenging but fun. I like challenges.

     Adventures aren't usually very pleasant while you're living them. They only become that way when they're retold, after the fact. While you're there in the middle of the action, they're generally awful and horrible, and nothing is clear at all. But they shape us, grow us. Most of the time, it seemed like my faith was somewhat weak, I was just trying desperately to stay afloat. But, maybe...maybe those are the times it gets stronger? Anyway, God never said that this life would be easy. But he did say that he would give us what we needed at the moment, that He'd see us through. And He does.

     Just some things I've been thinking about. Now, I've got some basketball to watch.

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