Tuesday, March 5, 2013

American Idol Season 12 - Top Ten Girls

"Sighs".... I'm disappointed by the judge's choices at the talent pool we get to pick from.

Zoanette Johnson - "What's Love Got To Do With It" - She's unhinged. Can't sing at all. Screeching, bad dancing, making a fool of herself on national television. Keith: "Um...if we had a Unbridled,
Free-Spirited, Energetic Award, you would win it." Nicki: "Ya see, here's the deal: For people to like you, you kinda have to sing on key..." Randy: "It was a mess."

Briana Steer - "That's Why I Love You" - Was that dress camo, or was it just made from whatever fabric scraps were pulled from a dumpster somewhere? It was strange. Did she forget the lyric right at the start, or was that editing of a profanity? She was too showy, an average voice, it was an incredibly bland song. And Too Much Lipstick(TML). The best part was Keith and Nicki's staredown.

Aubrey Cleland - Big Girls Don't Cry - There were goats shown in her clip! An all right
ordinary-person voice, sounded like a good impression of Kelly. Rough lead-in to that last chorus. TML, it looked like dried blood.

Janelle Arthur - Song Unknown - It was old sounding... Like something from the 1950s or so. Good for then, okay for now. But it was boring. Would make good background music at a restaurant, though. NO on the big notes. And how many people get called "Marshmallow"?

Tenna Torres - Some Unknown Faith Hill Song - SO BORING. (Oh, wait. Most Faith songs are boring.) Anyone could have sung that and sounded like she did. Weird orange and navy dress.

Angie Miller - Never Gone - Cool that she did a Colton Dixon song. It was pretty-sounding but forgettable. The piano was a nice touch. Her voice is just too powerful, it's like Carrie's, if she could just keep it down, it would be beautiful. TML, TMM(Too Much Makeup), her hair looked weird. After comparing to Colton, I don't think I like this song.

Amber Holcomb - "I Believe In You and Me" - Big voice, but I wasn't impressed at all. This song is from some movie, and I was spending the whole time trying to figure it out...that's bugging me.

Kree Harrison - Faith Hill's "Stronger" - Good, but nothing amazing. Hated the high notes. She is very plain. (I would use "extremely", but it wouldn't fit. I need Agatha Christie, Lucy Maud Montgomery and Earl Derr Biggers to  help me in order to describe how plain she is.) And I think she'd glow in the dark if somebody flipped the lights out.

Adriana Lantonio - Unknown Song - Jessica Sanchez clone. Which means: A - No personality onstage, 2 - Ultra-Fake personality offstage, 3 - Mechanical disconnected, though technically correct performances. Nicki: "It was pageanty, didn't stand out at all. Goodbye." Randy: "It was a little boring."

Candice Glover - Unkown Song - Yet Another Slow Ballad!!! Okay, but it was so dull!

Everyone sounded alike. Pllyeackk.

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