Wednesday, September 25, 2013

College. And Life in General. And Other Things Written by Young Adults.

This post is mainly stuff posted on Facebook written by people I know, I just copy/pasted a lot of it. 

This was a two-part list complied by Cheyenne, who lives the next floor down in Ross. 

"The best part about college?
You're not the only one who's broke. Okay, just kidding. But honestly, most of us are pretty creative. 
Bugs in your room? Ignore them. They go away eventually. They can't live forever, right?
Lightbulb burns out? Use your flashlight. 
Can't sleep? Coffee it up. 
Forgot to do your homework? Skip class. Wait...that's not new. 
Hungry? Go hang out with a friend and steal their food or go home and see your parents. Free food.
Cant afford your books? Go Xerox pages from a friend's book.
People don't like you? Who cares?
Bored? Go to Wal-Mart.
Your room's dirty? Throw everything in the closet.
RA is doing room checks? Scramble to hide everything that's you're not supposed to have.
Showers are cold ...again? Figure out how much you really want that shower.
Class is out early? Go back to your dorm and sleep.
Can't find a parking spot? Blame the freshmen and park in their spots.
Almost run over on the crosswalk? Blame freshmen.
Homework is too hard? Throw a study party and do absolutely no homework.
Cold? Go outside. All the buildings are freezing.
Hot? Go inside for 5 min. You'll freeze.
Want something to do? Go to Wal-Mart."  

"Stuff you learn at college:
Hate the food in the caf? You have a microwave. Use it.
Phone low on battery? Bring your charger to class and sit near the back. Plug it into the wall.
Bad grade on test? Try to decide if its better to withdraw now or keep going on with the class.
Broke? Join the club. Most everyone is. Have a study party or movie night in the quad.
All the washers taken in the laundry room? Figure out how to hand-wash stuff.
Raining? Steal your friend's umbrella.
Snowing? Best day ever. Deal with it. Half your class won't show up.
Overwhelmed? Don't be. Nothing's as hard as you think it is.
You don't like your roommate? Talk to them. You can probably work it out. Or you can move rooms. Both work.
Loud neighbors? Invest in earplugs.
Find someone you like? Tell them. Everyone has way to much going on in their lives to read your mind.
Want to make friends fast? Start by complaining about freshmen. Most everyone is doing it.
Bored? Wal-Mart. Said it once...will keep saying it till it sinks in.
Want to get ahead? Make friends with the upperclassmen." 

And this was written by Daniel P., from the BCM.  "I'm at the point in the semester where things are just piling on. It seems like every time I turn around there's a new assignment coming my way. Anyone else at that point? I realize that there is so much to do, and from the human perspective I keep telling myself "Hey, buckle up and push through." But on further inspection, I think me and anyone else taking on the heavy load right now needs to look at it from a Biblical perspective. In Matthew 11:28 it says, "Come to me all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest," and in Psalm 37:5 it says, "Commit your way to the Lord; trust in Him, and He will act." So my point, to me and all of you, is that even in stressful, difficult, or worrisome times, we need to realize that through all the difficulties, we won't have to carry these things alone; that God will give us rest." 

And Jon posted this the other night. 

Okay so (especially directed at all you young adults like myself) ik life can be hard, decisions can be tough, people can be isn't all rainbows, that's why we need Godly encouragement in our lives...and prayer, lots of it!! There's nothing wrong or weird or needy about publicly asking for prayer, and that's exactly what I'm doing...prayer for happiness, faith, contentment...discernment in life and big decisions...annnd if any of you have a prayer request I would love to pray for you, too. 

Is everybody's life confusing and a mess? Are we all dealing with frustration, loneliness, uncertainty, contentment, faith, sin, cynicism, anxiety, fear? Looks like it...we just don't like to say so most of the time.  Maybe it's pride, we're afraid of being thought of as weak or "that one vague status poster, looking for attention".        
      School, that next blind corner or hairpin turn of the future, so many different things going on.  Most of life doesn't go as we'd have planned it to. Which is a good thing, cause that never really ends well. So we kind of just keep plowing through whatever our mundane tasks are, day after day, try to keep our faith in God's care and providence and sovereignty. Cling to the promises in Scripture, pray and study the Bible as much as we can. Be careful who we trust and mindful of our actions. 
     Maybe we'll eventually figure it out. Like, when our kids head out onto their grown lives. 

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