Wednesday, November 13, 2013

8,000 MPH and Counting

     It's that time of year....and of the semester...where we fly around at 8,000 miles per hour and are sorta overwhelmed about most everything.

     Saturday was one of those slow, gloomy days where absolutely nothing gets done. Kinda frustrating, but some days are like that. Watched part of The Princess Diaries, it was on TV. Made me think of this one time just after it came out on video when Mom went to our neighbor's house across the street to watch it with her, and I went to Katie's to escape such a girl's movie. When I got there(literally, it took like maybe twenty seconds between houses) her brother Chris was in the living room watching....The Princess Diaries. 

     Winter is settling in, I'm not exactly welcoming it, but temperatures are starting to be pretty even indoors and outside now, so that's something. (Outside temps are easier to be in, but it's still a bad idea to try to play mandolin on a 27-degree night.) And it's only TWO WEEKS UNTIL THANKSGIVING, my favorite holiday of the year. And then after that it's only A MONTH UNTIL CHRISTMAS, my favorite time of the year. Of course, that does mean finals and all the rush leading up to them....ugh.

     Had to rearrange my schedule for next semester, Multimedia Writing was scrapped in the shuffle to cover Mike Brown's(the Media Studies department's photography expert) classes with him being out for a while. So I dropped government and instead am taking Broadcast Production and Advanced Video Production, since they're both core classes and they aren't going to be taught for much longer. Still at 15 hours, though, we'll see what happens...

     Sunday was the beginning of a three-day productive stretch, those are good sometimes. Woke up ridiculously early, so finished a chapter in my psych textbook that I was studying, then walked down to Grace Baptist for church, got there for Sunday school, even. (Usually I never can remember what time it starts.)
     Strange happening of the morning: Archibald Asparagus' line as King Saul in Dave and the Giant Pickle running through my head for no reason as I was studying: "Ahem...Excuse me, but my ears must be failing. I could've sworn that I'd heard you say that you were going to fight Goliath. But you didn't say that...did you?"  And then what is the pastor's sermon on? David and Goliath. Looked for the Galdamezes, but I guess they were on vacation.
     We were kind of stunned when we got to First Baptist-Tahlequah at how fancy everything was, and there was some nerves for sure gong on. But somehow it all worked together to be (by far) the best show we've done yet. Here's a clip, with the rest of them easily accessible as well. Elizabeth, Bubba Jacob, Susan, me and TJ all went to Sam and Ella's for dinner afterwards, not something you do every day, but divided among five people it's acceptable. And besides, we all agreed that it wasn't right that TJ had lived in Tahlequah most of her life and never eaten there, so that had to be fixed. That was cool, good food and interesting conversation.

     Monday morning's classes went well, headed to the library to find some articles that Jessica asked me to track down for a paper she was working on. Got those sent to her, then typed up the day's Latin notes and got this week's nutrition quiz out of the way, and got a good chunk of my psych textbook read. Would've won $10,600 in the Teacher's Tournament on Jeopardy. Then practice and the worship service, and then a bit more work on a skit coming up.

     Tuesday's lit class was canceled, so I slept in til about 9:45, that was good. And especially since I've been back into the 4-6 hours of usually interrupted sleep track. We all kind of panicked in editing, hearing about the changes to the schedule, but the homework was turned in, workbook stuff done, and then we had the first section of our six-part final., we'll see how it went...everyone bombed our midterms, so the entire class's confidence was shot, so I don't feel good about it, but hopefully it went okay. Then rearranged  my class schedule, got that worked out. Called Mom, got caught up on news,  and then a bit more homework after watching Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.  Lost a quarter in the vending machine, too. (I know, it's just a quarter. But I'm a college student!)

     Got to sleep just after midnight, woke up from a really strange dream at 4:30 a.m. Now I can't go back to sleep because then, if I did fall asleep, I wouldn't wake up until about 9 or 10, so...yeah. Shivered for about an hour, started this post, then went to the caf for some breakfast and Flo's for a coffee. It was cold this morning, 18 degrees. Then off to nutrition, psych and today's Latin test, which seemed to go better than I expected, but still not feeling too great about it. It's warmed up to high 30's, too, so it isn't too bad. (Of course, it could just be possible that my temp gauge has been forever shattered by living here for a year and a half....) And the sun's shining brightly, which always helps.

     Out of Diet Coke and soap, nearly out of toothpaste, need to go to Wal-Mart...don't want to. Raaawwwrr. We haven't had a fire drill in like six weeks...that's got me a little nervous. I hate them, but that nagging feeling in the back of your watch and they'll cram eight into the last three weeks of school.

     Off to work on editing homework in about an hour with a couple classmates, then tomorrow night is the faith-based floor's service project thingy serving food at First Methodist, a fundraiser for the BCM mission trip to Haiti over Christmas break Friday, nothing planned yet that I know of for Saturday(Rest? Homework? Thor?), our last two shows of the semester on Sunday, a doubleheader morning and evening; then turn in the psych quiz Monday morning and an orthodonist appointment after Tuesday afternoon's editing class. So life's pretty busy. If I can make it just about another month, then it'll be time for a quick break...Keep Calm and Carry On, right?

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