Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Wednesday Night Reflections

     It's Wednesday night, which usually lasts forever. But this has been a pleasant one, even though I've just been working on homework. It's also very close to Thanksgiving break, which though not actually much of a break, is still a good time. Been thinking over the last couple months, and the year in general, working on the "year-end recap" post, comparing this semester to last, that type of thing.

     After I get back, then we go straight into dead week and then finals. So there's quite a bit of homework to juggle as projects and things are handed out in everything as students grow ever more frazzled and overwhelmed.

     This semester hasn't exactly been easy, but I've gotten through it. There's been encouragement of various types many, many times, and it's good to have people praying for you. It's good to be able to pray for them, too, when possible. Over the last couple days, I've been thinking on 2 Corinthians 12:9, "But he(the Lord) said to me(Paul), "'My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
     It's been easier in a lot of ways. Used to the radical temperatures changes, able to see how most of the subjects I'm taking interconnect, and classes are going well, for the most part. Neighbors are mostly pretty easy to deal with, and I've made some friends. The aimless walks aren't taken nearly as often. And life is just a lot easier when you aren't trying to argue with God about where you might be, what the future should be like. Slowly, very slowly, learning to rest in the fact that God's in control, and things will go as He directs. I was praying over the last year, maybe, that I could just accept whatever He said and that I could serve Him in some way, wherever that might be.

     What that looks like it turned into apparently meant staying in Tahlequah at NSU for a while, at least. So I've tried to make the best of it, as well as I could, and it's gone okay. I don't understand some of the things that have happened, and there's even, unfortunately, been several times when I've asked why He would organize events in that way over the last year. Not really proud of that, but....maybe it's a part of maturing, both in my faith and as part of growing up. There's a passage from the very last page of one of Wilson Rawls' books, it's dancing around just out of reach....wishing I could remember exactly how it went. Something about how our dogs may leave us, but we always carry them along in our travels, no matter where we might end up going.

     Been talking to Jon a couple times within the last week, good to catch up with him, see how we can be praying for each other, that type of thing. And we got into one of our classic zany conversations with Amanda, which was pretty great. Jessica mailed a short note, mailboxes are better when something's in them. Also heard from Daniel, which was good, and talked to Steven, grateful for that.

     Coming up with creative analogies all by themselves is kind of difficult, more so than you'd imagine. Especially for those really abstract concepts like "benevolence" and "honor".
     Zach and I are thinking of starting a Bible-study time in spring, looking at a chunk of Scripture about once a week.
     Looking forward to seeing the family again, seems like it's been forever.
     Finally went to Wal-Mart yesterday, and the orthodonist appointment went better than expected, things must be working the way they're supposed to.

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