Monday, August 18, 2014

An Announcement

     Maybe I shouldn't have been following Stranger for the last two years....I just did kind of an Eli McCann-like thing and have no idea how it happened or what I think about it. Also no idea on what this will do to the future or anything.

     I moved back home and am taking classes online through TCC for this semester.

     It was all kind of sudden, and I'm kind of a mess of emotions right now. (Also, I seriously haven't gotten much sleep over the last week, but yeah...) Throughout the weekend I enlisted the prayers of Daniel, Ash, Jon, Elizabeth and Susan(Race of Joseph all) and delivered updates when I could. And at church told Steven and Jamie and Mrs. Rusco. Mr. Gundersen was preaching from 2 Corinthians 1:8-11, which was wonderful and so much-needed. Very grateful for their prayers and advice/encouragement. Called Bob last night and he told most of the BCM crew.

     Over and over since I first came to NSU it's just not really quite fit and I've wanted to leave so bad. (Most of these school-related posts over the last two years have been the S. Morgenstern "good parts" version.) But I wanted to stick it out for my freshman year because I'd've felt like I was letting GBC folks down if I hadn't, and besides, I would've been extremely mad at myself for....well, who ever knows why they're mad at themselves for? Anyway, due to Samantha's gentle pestering and knowing a handful of other BCMers, I slipped inside one Monday night in February 2013 and in so doing, found another important place, like GBC or SGYC, with folks just as familiar. And gradually getting involved with SWAT, the worship team, and everything else...the lone bright spot in a very dark place. And maybe because of that, the light shows up much greater. They were why I hung around sophomore year, a subject we'd covered during Impact or Velocity or coffee runs. It was hard to say goodbye this morning.
     I won't miss the school much, though. Nor the dorm. The best classes have been Prof. Semrow's Lit class or Dr. Faulds' Latin classes; and I really enjoyed(and learned a lot) in Dr. Fuller's psych class, Cassie's Basic Writing and Dr. Eversole's Editing. The worst would be nutrition and Mr. Deiter's Comp I. (Though it was a good class to meet folks in, and certainly memorable....)
     I'll miss Tahlequah. It's a good place, with good people. Neat local businesses abound, and there's great scenery. And I'll miss being near Grandpa and Robbie, and Louise and Harry. And the Galdamezes. I'll probably visit when I can.

     So we moved my stuff out last night, then filled out the withdrawal forms this morning. It went smoother than I expected; but then I'm used to how stuff works out there. Dad isn't as much. Ran by the BCM to see if anybody was around, said goodbye to Ashleigh, Daniel P. and Deb. Then in Ross ran into Elizabeth and then Susan, said goodbye to them, too.

     It's been an eventful two years. There's lots of stories to tell, which can be found by going through older posts. Gotten stronger as a person, spiritually and mentally. Felt weaker than I thought possible often.
     My personality seems to have changed a lot(but that's hard to judge on yourself). More cynical and serious; more spacey and living more firmly in Chesterton's Fairyland.

     So I don't really know what's next. Right now I'm taking a biology course and the other courses coming up are on Word, government and Photoshop. In spring and past that - no idea. But we'll see what happens.

     This picture is of a freshly-chopped stump I found hiking around campus Tuesday night.


  1. As always, well written. This may be one of the more challenging lessons of life....(was and is for me).....the going forward when it isnt the direction you completely expected. What I can guarantee is that the Lord will meet you there at the turn in the road....your journey continues and I look forward to reading more about it.

  2. Good decision, I think. Audra left OSU in Stillwater and later completed her college at Okmulgee OSUIT. It was too hard for her to be away from her close knit family and to accept the norms of dormitory living. She never felt happy in Stillwater although she loved schooling. She felt she had made a good decision to go to college but not the best decision for her life.
