Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Year Three Begins

     This post is brought to you from an all-too-familiar place: My dorm in Ross, in an agitated state of mind. (With an extensive Owl City soundtrack playing while typing.) Things look pretty much the same so far. And wasn't I just here?

     Haven't slept that well; having a hard time falling asleep and then sticking there once I arrive. And there's this enormous montage of situations where something's about to happen, like an event to go to or a present somebody's going to give me, and then at the last second it melts away. It's strange and unrestful. And to continue for two nights straight, and a half-nap? 
     Covered about ten miles of aimlessly hiking around town since Sunday afternoon, I'd guess, on the low end. Doesn't exactly help with thinking so much, and doesn't exactly keep me from thinking, either; but it's something. Supposed to have a roommate this semester; which I didn't know about until I saw the sign on the door when I got here Sunday afternoon(but then, it is NSU, so....) He hasn't shown up yet, so that's nice, I guess. Just the uncertainty of wondering if I will actually or won't actually has me a little more on edge than normal.

     Got my book(singular this time) and mapped out class routes yesterday, and then did quite a bit of staring at the walls and ceiling, which has been continued today. Tried to write some, but it was sort of like that day when someone asked Voltaire how he'd done that day. Voltaire says frustratedly, "Not that well. I only managed to get down eight words." His friend winces. "Eight words? That's....that's not the greatest day ever, no." (pause) "But, you know, that's eight words that you didn't have yesterday, so that's some progress."  "But that's not the worst part!" "...It isn't?" "No! The worst part is that I can't figure out what order they're supposed to go in!" (I wish I could remember where I read this tidbit of conversation, which I had to largely paraphrase/modernize due to not remembering the exact wording.) 

     This afternoon I studied some, read a bit of To Kill a Mockingbird. Heard from both Daniel and Ash, which were both very good things. 
     Went over to the BCM to see if anybody was around, hung out for a bit with Ashleigh, Bucky, Daniel P, Elizabeth, Justin, Stephen and Michelle; we split a pizza. 
     Practiced photography for a bit while campus was empty during dinnertime, don't think I got anything that great.

     Robin Williams died last night, I saw being talking about on TV, and then later all over Facebook and Twitter. Took me a moment to compute why this was important, who Robin Williams was and then my next thought was "Well, yeah, I guess that's about right; he's human, and everybody dies sometime." After watching a bit longer, they said it looked to be a suicide, which is a terrible way to die, but one that didn't seem all that surprising, either.
     I guess the worst part about it would be the lack of hope. That's why I don't like those dystopian novels like Hunger Games, Divergent, etc. - they're so empty of hope and if there's not even a chance that the sun's gonna shine tomorrow, well, what's the point of reading further? Mr. Gundersen's been preaching over 2 Corinthians recently, which is all about how this life is a struggle, yes. But that struggle means that we experience just a minute fraction of what Christ went through on the cross. And it may be bad at times, and we may grow weary, but God gives us comfort and allows us to comfort others on the way. And when we die, we as Christians have heaven to look forward to because of our Savior.

     So, yeah. Nothing much of news to tell about.