Monday, February 1, 2016

Screen Crushes of My Childhood

     Since Mom and Dad were youth pastors, I was always tagging along with them on stuff, surrounded by teenagers. That's influenced a lot of my pop-culture tastes. Like, a lot. Anyway, teens have all sorts of crushes and things, it's a natural part of that stage of life.
     I didn't always realize these were my screen crushes at the time, but it's one of those things you discover when you're suddenly reminded of it after a long time.

Belle Beauty and the Beast

     Why? - Well, where to start? She loves reading! She sings musical numbers spontaneously! She is very observant, and a little strange. She's a storyteller, and she loves finding the beauty in this world. And she disdains Gaston, which is a plus. (I think he's part of the reason I've never had any desire to hunt. The Fox and the Hound is the other, besides my vision and intolerance for blood.)

Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen

     Why? - No idea, exactly. It's one of those things that can't be understood, what exactly makes someone attractive. But it was the late 90's/early 2000's, so that's part of the explanation. Anyway, I really enjoyed them as Sam and Emma Stanton in Switching Goals, but I would watch just about anything they were in.

Kate Douglas - The Big Green

     Why? - She's hardworking, basically taking on the role of the team captain. She's determined to lead the team as best she can, and her ambitions are higher than sticking around town and working as a cashier at the Piggily Wiggily. She's loyal to Juan, and she isn't afraid to share her opinions.

Deena Stewart - 7th Heaven

     Why? - She was Simon's girlfriend, and he was my favorite character on this show. (Matt was also cool.) Plus the scene this screenshot was taken from, from the Season 3 episode "Nobody Knows...", was when she told Simon about her leukemia. That was the first time I'd ever heard of cancer (I was five), so it was especially distressing.

Ariel - The Little Mermaid

     Why? - She's curious, imaginative, creative and awkward. And also a bit of a rebel.

Lola Bunny - Space Jam

     Why? - She's athletic. She's opinionated and spunky. And she's Bugs Bunny's girlfriend. (Really, that fact by itself would be enough to think well of her.) As Tweety says, "She's hot!" She has bangs. (Which is a good thiing.) And competitive! (Which is even better.)

Buttercup - The Princess Bride

     Why? - If Westley could endure being captured by pirates, becoming the most legendary pirate on the seas himself, freeclimb up the Cliffs of Insanity, defeat Inigo Montoya in a fencing match, best Fezzik at wrestling and outwit Vizzini in a Battle of Wits, then survive the Lightning Sand, the Flaming Geysers and the ROUSes in the Fire Swamp, and THEN be imprisoned in either the Zoo of Death or the Pit of Despair(your choice), and THEN be put through the MACHINE in order to ride off happily into the night(or not; again, your choice), then wouldn't you say she was some special girl? And that's not even getting into all the things William Goldman said about her....

Lady - Lady and the Tramp

     Why? - Because dogs are awesome, duh.... And she protects her people from that rat and the evil Siamese cats. And not all screen crushes have to be people, right? (Other dog-crushes: Buddy from the Air Bud movies, Pongo and Perdita from 101 Dalmatians, The Fox and the Hound's Copper, Wishbone, Skip from My Dog Skip, Inspector Gadget's Brain, and while not a dog, Ernie the goat from The Big Green is a Nubian, which has always been my favorite breed.)

Sam Kepler - Wishbone

     Why? - Sam cares about her friends and their animals, and she's just always so nice. She loves sports just as much as Joe does, and she is terrific at soccer and roller hockey. She's a bit of a nerd. She's smart, adventurous, and gets herself into trouble pretty often. Basically she's awesome.

Lizzie McGuire - Lizzie McGuire

     Why? - Grandpa had cable, so it was while visiting him that you could watch channels like ESPN, Animal Planet (which was actually about animals then) and Disney Channel. So I wasn't all that familiar with this show/character, but every once in a while there was an episode on while flipping channels. But Lizzie seemed really friendly, and the Wikipedia page of the show describes her as "shy, compassionate, clumsy and extremely loyal," which totally seem like good qualities.

Hallie Parker - The Parent Trap

     Why? - Not sure....but Lindsay Lohan had a very expressive face. And denim jackets are really cool.

Padme Amidala - Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace

     Why? - She is graceful and studious in her political role; caring when it comes to those around her, she believes in democracy and is firmly against corruption. If she has to, she can fight very well. She's sort of a female version of Atticus Finch; maybe what Scout grew up to be like. (Go Set a Watchman doesn't count as showing a grown-up Jean Louise, because it was the parent of To Kill a Mockingbird.)

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