Friday, July 5, 2013

You Are What You Like

     So, a while back I heard of this site called It's one of those personality testers, except it attempts to compile your personality through what you've liked on Facebook. Not sure how accurate it is, but it's interesting. These are the answers I got.

"Conservative and traditional, rather than liberal and artistic" - This trait refers to the extent you prefer novelty versus convention. Based on what you like, you dislike needless complexity, and prefer the familiar to the unusual. You might say that you are conservative and value practical outcomes over flighty imagination." 

"Calm and relaxed, as opposed to stressed" - This trait refers to the way you cope with, and respond to, the demands of life. Your likes suggest you are calm and emotionally stable. You come across to others as someone who is rarely bothered by things, and when they do the feeling does not persist for very long." 

"Well organized, versus spontaneous and flexible" - This trait refers to the extent which you prefer an organized, or flexible, approach in life. From what you like, you are someone who avoids forseeable trouble through purposeful planning, and you achieve success through persistence. From your responses it appears that you are reliable and prepared for the challenges of life."

"Outgoing, friendly and active, rather than reserved and shy" - This trait refers to the extent that you enjoy company, and seek excitement and stimulation. From your likes, you are energetic and active. You enjoy and actively seek out social occasions, and you especially enjoy talking with a big group of people."

"Warm, trusting and cooperative, rather than assertive and competitive." - This trait refers to the way you express your opinions and manage relationships. People who like the same things as you do are easy to get along with. Your likes suggest that you generally think people are honest and decent, and others would say that you are considerate and friendly."

It also says that a few of the pages most indicative of my profile are Hoosiers, Justin Moore, Eskimo Joe's and SportsCenter. 

     The first section seems about right. I like things I know, and don't enjoy things with needless complications(algebra, anything mechanical...) Conservative yes, probably, I'm not sure on that last sentence.

     The second section....HAHAHAHAHA!!!! I guess that's good if I come across to other people that way, though. This is a little hard to judge yourself on.

     The third section seems just about right-on. I try to be reliable, and hopefully that means I'm prepared for whatever comes along.

     The fourth section....Hmm. I don't know..

     The fifth section seems all right, I guess. People who like common things are easier to get along with usually, but that isn't always true. And I'm not very assertive. Not really on the "believing people are typically honest and decent" part, but it's always good to hope that they are. I hope people would say I'm friendly.

     Seems like on a lot of these personality test deals, I end up almost right in the middle between a lot of categories. Is it possible to be calm and stressed simultaneously? Organized but occasionally want to be spontaneous? Outgoing and shy? Equal parts competition and cooperation?

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