Thursday, May 11, 2017

Finals Week in Review

     Time for a recap of this week, I suppose. It's Caleb's birthday, I think they went to the climbing gym, which is a blast. I spent most of yesterday packing. And last night was full of hymns for some reason, which is always nice. Sometimes you aren't exactly sure what words to pray, so you have to sing instead.

     Monday afternoon was the Psych final, and Dr. Marrero walks in holding a piece of paper. "I've got the current grades right here," he says. "If you like yours, you can walk right out of here right now and that'll be what I enter into the system."
     I had a 91.5, which equates to an A, so I gratefully bolted. "Meep meep!" I chirped, Roadrunner-like, as a smoke trail followed me out of Baird Hall.
    It wasn't quite an all-nighter Monday night, but close. I had an essay due for Gothic Film and Lit, and an origami picture book to write/draw for Pop Market Tuesday morning. It was titled THIS Is How You Do That: The Essential Top Secret Survival Manual, complete with a copyright page and back-cover blurbs from famous people. For the blurbs, I mainly used characters that I've played - Matt Kojak, of course, is the host of the game show Go With the Flow, from our SWAT skits. Tyler Crickenburg, from Tent City, became a cable-celebrity dog trainer. And Nicole Martin, better known to her friends as Soda, is a novelist from my fiction, main character in a couple novels. (Her siblings are recurring characters in short stories.) About half the class listed the book in their favorites, which I was happy about. Coale said in his critique, "Nobody else but Wesley would even try coming at this project from this angle, much less pull it off so well. I loved it, made me smile." If I can think of enough examples, I'm going to keep working with this idea. The other half of our Pop Market final was a short story, and I was blank on good ideas. So I just condensed and tweaked part of the Panthers soccer story I wrote a couple years ago. I'm still planning on expanding that one, because it's such an awkward size right now at 9,000 words.
    Dr. Mackie said my essay last week on the characteristics of Southern Gothic lit was one of the better papers I've done while here, which is good.
     Dr. Dial-Driver ordered pizza and we had lunch during Capstone as our "final"; it was a good time to just hang out with everyone for a bit, though there were several comments of the "I feel like I'm forgetting iimportant homework of some kind" variety. Sitcoms were discussed, and we all listened attentively to weird Dial-Driver stories. Afterwards Lauren and I went treasure hunting through Dr. Mackie's piles of giveaway books in the office, where I found a collection of Hemingway's early short stories.

     In TV news, ABC is bringing American Idol back next year (SQUEAL OF EXCITEMENT AND PULSATING GUITAR STRINGS). So....yeahhh, I might be a little excited about that. (Or still mad that I missed the apparently-series finale last spring.) So there's still a chance that I could try out. Also, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. was renewed for a fifth season this afternoon, which is really awesome. (The cast's acting ability is amazing - Mallory Jansen was the highlight this week, depicting the torrent of Ophelia's turbulent emotions.) Called Trevor afterwards, and we talked about the episode for about 45 minutes.

     Helped out with the Chi Alpha pancake feast Tuesday and Wednesday nights at the Assembly of God, held in their gym, Tuesday night I worked as a server of meals, mixer of juice and chopper of bananas, while Wednesday night I was mainly behind the bacon grill.
    Could never fall asleep Tuesday night, which was frustrating. But I was able to take an hour-long nap Wednesday afternoon.

     The conference finals of the NHL playoffs are set - in the Eastern Conference it'll be the Ottawa Senators against the Pittsburgh Penguins, while the Western Conference will be claimed by either the Anaheim Ducks or the Nashville Predators. I'd really like a Canadian team to win the Cup, since it is their trophy and all, and they haven't won since Montreal in 1993. So for that reason I like Ottawa. But if we're going by jersey design, that'd be the Penguins, and then Carrie Underwood's husband Mike Fisher is captain of the Predators. And then the Ducks - hey, they're the Ducks. QUACK QUACK QUACK!

     Hung out with Brittany this morning, which was cool. Crashed the Directing final this afternoon, because she'd suggested it several weeks ago. And also it was a way of supporting her efforts in that class, and Coale's, too. Plus it was a way to be encouraging to David, showing up to an even-more-niche-than-usual RSU Theater project - even one audience member is better than nothing. Brittany and Coale did well, both in directing their pieces and acting in other people's.
    Everyone adapted the opening scene of Sophocles' Oedipus Rex, mostly sticking with the actual text, the way Joss Whedon's Much Ado does. (This opening scene is where the audience hears the prophecy about the imminent destruction of Thebes.) They were staged readings, since it was a class. There were a couple press conferences, while other scenes crafted it as coffee-shop gossip.or a conversation between stoners. Halfway through, however, a tornado warning was declared for Rogers County, and the sirens began wailing. Since the auditorium basement is one of the two shelters on campus, a never-ending stream of random people kept streaming through the doors and interrupting the scenes. But the show must go on, so the actors continued on anyway. It's an Oklahoma thing - weather is part of living, and unless it's necessary, life goes on as usual during a storm.
    "Hey, remember that Texaco play you wrote about a year ago?" David asks me during while the actors are doing final troubleshooting rehearsal just before they got started. I remember it, sure, because I was proud of that one. (That usually doesn't happen with creative projects.) But I haven't had much time to work on it since, other than translating it into prose. "Okay, do you think you could revise it over the summer? I want to do an Original Recipe [program] for fall, but written by alumni. And I know you write well." So that'll be a project to work on coming up.

     Today's "Article to Make the Reader Go 'Hmm...'" is from The Atlantic, trying to match social media sites with the Seven Deadly Sins.
     I graduated from high school five years ago tomorrow.

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