Friday, April 27, 2012

American Idol Season 11 Top Six - Queen Night

(Typed Wednesday night, just never got around to post it on here until now.)

I was hoping it'd be good tonight, since they had a cool theme to work with, it was better than some others they've had this season.

JayLo looked weird, was that a C-3PO suit? Steven looked pretty normal, Randy was Randy, weird, but it faded off into the background. That medley with those two guys from Queen was awesome.


Jessica Sanchez - Bohemian Rhapsody - I like the real thing better. I liked Michael John's version of that better than the original, she wasn't great, but the black and white filming was pretty cool.

Skylar Laine - The Show Must Go On - The violins were a little creepy, but it was a neat song. Her voice does shows emotion really well. Think I liked it.

Joshua Ledet - Crazy Little Thing Called Love - Nice guitar, good band instrumental, as far as vocals went, it was karaoke, and it was bad. He was shouting the entire way through that, and halfway through I searched around the past season yearbooks to find somebody else I'd WANT to hear sing that song, so I had Scotty McCreery singing along. He was weird, also, but it was at least a better weird.

Elise Testone - I Want It All -  GREAT choice, it's a good song, fit her voice well, and it sounded authentic:Terrific performance.

Phillip Phillips - Fat-Bottomed Girls - Strange. Very Phillip-like in style, I didn't like it much.

Hollie Cavanagh - Save Me - It was a pretty song. It was good, but that suit made her look like she was about forty from the wide camera angles.

Elise flew away with best of the round award this time.


Jessica Sanchez - Dance With My Father - I learned a new color tonight: Mom said that was chartouse, which I had always thought was a pink-purple color. The dress still reminded me of banana peels, whatever color it was. The song was a LOT better than I've ever heard it(Seriously, why do guys always sing this?), I kind of liked it.

Skylar Laine - Tattoos On This Town - THAT WAS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!! I love that song, love the way she did it, the bridge needed a lot of repair, but that was great. "She's very thick-boned, I guess you could say....strong-boned..." "HOLLIE! You just called me fat! I'm gonna cry now(giggle, giggle)" "What's that...? Jimmy just said it was thick-skinned, oh. Lost in translation, I guess." "I can't believe you just called me fat!' "I am SO of those American phrases I'm not used to yet." "Still..." 

Joshua Ledet - Song Unknown - Boring and forgettable, somehow unsettling, the only thing I could think of to praise on that was his jacket, which isn't saying much.

Elise Testone - Bold as Love - Nice beginning, from there, it went downhill fast. Not good at all. Phillip: "She does that thing with her's like she's a sniper, she's going to kill that note, and all the ones that come after it. And not in a good way, either."

Phillip Phillips - Song Unknown - Weird, but sort of cool. Neat fiddle playing, that tuba-saxophone thing was odd, but interesting, the picking/strumming was neat. The girls making fun of him in the intro video was hysterical.

Hollie Cavanagh - The Climb - Miley's best song(Actually, her only good song), Hollie gave her a huge run for her money right there, I loved it. That was really, really good. Loved how they were making fun of her accent, it's always fun to see whether it'll be the English or the Texan.

This round Hollie and Skylar tie for best performance.   

Going home - Man, this is tough. I'm going to go with....Joshua, I guess, at this point it's nearly impossible to tell who America's gonna vote for.

America votes weird. This fact was already known, but proved yet again last night. I was mowing, so I missed the show, but my cousin Trish texted me updates. Stefano Langone and Katy Perry performed, along with a Queen tribute band(fancy way to say impersonators), the bottom three was Elise(Good idea), HOLLIE(What the heck??!!!) and SKYLAR(Again, what the heck???!!!!). How can people keep voting for Joshua or Jessica ahead of Hollie and Skylar? It's irritating. Side note, disappointing that Colton left last week, but that was a great lesson in how to leave a lasting impression as you exit the competition stage for the last time. Looking forward to seeing him in Christian music after the tour this summer. This week, though the bottom three was two-thirds wrong, they sent the right person home, as Elise leaves and heads back home. I can live with that.

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