Saturday, April 26, 2014

April Adrenaline

     Another semester is nearing its end. The weather is beautiful today outside, and I'm sitting here in my dorm doing homework. But it's that time of year; and I might go for a walk or something for a break. Got a DC Talk CD playing right now, so that helps.

     The Red Fern Festival is this weekend; so that's a pretty big deal. Especially since Where the Red Fern Grows is pretty much about a dirt-poor boy and his two dogs. But for that reason, it's such a wonderful book, and I'm tearing up right now and I can't help it....

     Okay, well. Yeah. (I love dogs, okay?) Anyway, Mom stopped by to visit last night and said a new stray has stopped by for a bit, so the new-animals-I-need-to-meet count is up to Rags' kittens(I met them, but they weren't old enough to have personalities yet), the new goats and this new dog.

     Courtney's pretty excited about going to Mexico again in June; and Dad's gonna go this time, too.

     I got to thinking about the things I've done to relax this past week after working on homework and projects all day: Sunday: Watch MacGyver. Monday: Thunder basketball. Tuesday: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Wednesday: Blues hockey. Thursday: Thunder basketball. Friday: NASCAR and Blues hockey. Tonight: NASCAR and Thunder basketball.
     None of those are "calming, non-stressful opportunities for deep breathing".
     Nope, they're edge-of-your-seat action thrillers.
     Nope, nope, nope, that's not right, either....they're all "pacing frantically, mentally-taxing, adrenaline-spike-producing, yell at the TV" types of events.

     Monday night after the Impact meeting Amber, Stephen, Jordan, Ja Li Si, Elizabeth and I were all watching the Thunder game in the living room, yelling and screaming at the screen. A handful of other people were watching us watch the game; they thought that was more entertaining. But, I mean, it's THUNDER BASKETBALL. Thunder PLAYOFF basketball. Thunder PLAYOFF basketball AGAINST THE GRIZZLIES. Normal emotions go out the window; it's one of those rivalry things that can't be explained. (Maybe that's one of those mysteries we'll understand in heaven? that sacrilegious to wonder that?)      Anyway, it was fantastic. And so intense. Amber broke her phone by throwing it into the ground at one point  Durant's incredible four-point play late, then Perk tying it with four-tenths of a second left....And then, of course, the wheels fell off in overtime for a 111-105 loss.

     And so, since it was such a great atmosphere during the game on Monday, Stephen and Jordan and a friend of theirs named Bucky mapped out a watch party for Thursday night at the BCM. Elizabeth, Amber, James and I all volunteered to help, so that was set up and about twenty-five people came. The TVs upstairs, in the living room and in the basement were all running the game; there were hot dogs, four types of chips, chili, queso, five types of pop, popcorn, a bowl of mini Reese's, cheesecake and a mountain of Little Debbies. (Other events going on that night were the Mike Brown benefit dinner/auction, the NSU Idol competition,.and a production of "Into the Woods", so that explained the smaller-than-expected turnout.)
      It was pretty great. The game started out slowly, we were playing horrendously; and it was painful to watch for most of the first three quarters. The gang assembled migrated as a herd through the three viewing-stations, near halftime some random Greeks got pool and ping pong tournaments started.
     Somewhat superstitiously, everyone froze in their spots during the fourth quarter, resulting in half the remaining folks upstairs howling the roof down and and the rest tearing everything and everyone apart with vicious pent-up emotion. The insults were flying thick and the slightest bit of gamma radiation would've caused us all to completely Hulk out. I'm surprised the couch pillows weren't completely shredded. It was me, Amber, Elizabeth and this girl Bubba Jacob knows named Haley in the living room, and our yowling brought Michelle, James, Ja Li Si, Ashleigh, Justin and Drew out of the office where they were doing homework to see what was going on. Upstairs, Stephen, Bucky, Jordan and Other Jordan were coming equally unglued.
     Voices worn out with shouting/complaining/yelling/pleading/shouting/encouraging/cheering, towards the end words turned into a variety of growls, grunts, hissing and bristling fur. I learned I could be a very good cat, like maybe a jaguar or mountain lion. (Of course, I've had lots of practice talking Cat....)
     Considerably bummed-out by the overtime 98-95 loss, we cleaned up the food, rearranged the chairs and everything as best we could, and then drowned our sorrows in chocolate while discussing plans for fall. I walked home just after midnight, not sure when they wrapped up.

     I'll be on newspaper staff in fall; that'll be an interesting experience and it'll keep me busy, but it should be good, hopefully. Besides that, I'll also be helping lead SWAT next year alongside Susan. That's exciting, but intimidating; it'll definitely keep me supplied with things to pray about. Wondering where it will lead.... Ryan McNeil had asked me to teach Amy's Sunday School class last fall; but I had to decline because of school. So since then I've been praying about some type of ministry opportunity to come up, and then Samantha requested volunteers to step up to the plate and take the reins. We'll see what happens....

     Don't think I'll probably be at SGYC this year; haven't heard anything about it, anyway. And that's okay, maybe my time right now has closed, maybe it'll open back up at some later point down the road; Brother Larry and Ryan Butler have suggested the possibility of maybe teaching.  Courtney and Caleb are hoping that I'll be a counselor again, and if that happens that'd be great. If not, well, that's fine, too - I'll just enjoy listening to their stories. (Oh, good grief....I suddenly am picturing the three of us randomly driving back to Missouri mid-conversation with inside jokes and remembrances and stories...Mom might run out of the room with another level added to this subject....)
     Reading through old camp, so many memories, such an outpouring of Christian-fellowship and encouragement.
     I was talking to Ash a few weeks ago, we got to talking about school, she mentioned jokingly that she'd almost forgotten a time when I wasn't in college. It does seem like it's been forever ago....and then sometimes it seems like last Tuesday.

     Reading through 1 John as the April saturation book, Mom's been talking about it nonstop for the past couple months, and then Mr. Johnson starting a Sunday School series on the topic about a month ago. There's some good stuff in there. Not sure what May's book will be; maybe Luke, that's probably my favorite of the Gospels.

     Listened to almost every DC Talk CD they've made so far today while working on homework; their self-titled debut;  "Nu Thang", "Free at Last", working on "Jesus Freak" right now, I'll probably run through "Supernatural" as well, just because I'm in a good mood.

     Haven't been sleeping especially great. "This mortal form grows weak, I require sustenance." (Thor) And a good laugh and a long sleep are the two best cures for anything, according to the Irish proverb. So somewhere there's a balance of those three elements; I just haven't figured out that balance just yet. Right now I'm in the "Need more caffeine, ASAP!" tunnel to finish this stretch of the race.
     And what few dreams I've been having are the future-everyday type, which is a little strange. Especially when there's a day like last Tuesday packed with deja vu and you aren't sure what things you've actually done before or just dreamed of. Sat through four innings of a baseball game; which was not very enjoyable. NSU was awful and getting killed and I was cheering for the other team. If I hadn't been taking notes I would've galloped away far sooner. Not really sure why I went;  since I didn't have to cover it or anything, but it was a good excuse to be outside in the terrific weather.

     Okay, time to stop writing for now and go study textbooks (bleah).

     ....Hmm....y'know, they'll still be there after a walk. And besides, it's supposed to be stormy tomorrow.

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