Thursday, January 24, 2013

AI-12 Auditions, Baton Rouge

Tonight's recap will be very short. It sucked.
Mariah doing Randy's makeup was entertaining, I wonder if she was really a beauty-school dropout?
Megan Miss Louisiana was annoying, not my style, reminded me of Haley Scarnato. She was INSANE to postpone surgery on her broken leg until after auditions, the little thing she did at the end with her crutch-microphone was kinda clever. Keith: "I thought you were gonna sing "Lean On Me" or something."
Charlie was odd, almost pitiful. Theatrical and shouting all the way through, it was highly creepy. I was wishing Simon was here to crush him. Mariah: "A mysterious yes from me."
Maddie sounded like something going across a chalkboard. SCCCCrrrrraaaaaaaaaape.....
The montage of the animals freaking out from the horrible people was funny. (Javelinas, a baby goat, an alligator, and a couple snakes, maybe more I missed)
Paul was all right for an ordinary guy, but it just sounded like a good impression of Gary LeVox, not original enough. The "My Wish" voiceover was perfect, though.
Chris/ gotta be kidding. Anyway, somehow they got to talking abotu Zodiac signs...Nicki: "I'm a Sagittarius." Mariah: "Aries." Randy: "What are you, Keith?" Keith: "Confused." And more Nicki being weird...."When I wear my blanket I have special powers."
Calvin the Singing Doctor is cool, and he can sing, too! Hope he does well. Don't know the name of that Bruno Mars song that was the voiceover, but I like it.
Dustin the Firefighter is awesome. Can't go wrong with Garth(usually, that is...) Anyway, I've always liked that song(She's Every Woman). Though they WOULD play that awful George Strait song "The Fireman" as a voiceover...It was awesome that they went to the firehouse as he was telling his buddies.
Burnell who went last was a no from me. That yellow jacket I thought at first was a flag-football belt. I tuned out after he mentioned Katrina.
35 golden tickets given out somehow, that brings us to 160 in Hollywood so far.
The Discover and Kraft ads were good, the CoverGirl/Maybelline/Olay ads were stupid, as they should be. That hair commercial with the tree, it's not actually comparing your hair to tree's comparing it to dirt. (So much better, right?) The Verizon one with the guy biking in a huge heart was dumb, but then so is the whole concept of Valentine's.

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