Thursday, January 17, 2013

AI-12 Auditions, Chicago

     Tonight's episode was shot in Chicago, it was interesting.

     Hmm. What to say....
     The Contestants -
MacKenzie the first girl was good.
Kiara the hair, not my thing.
Stephanie was no good.
Melissa in the pink disco outfit is Deb. Seriously. And as for her singing...yuck!
Gabe the baker was good, I kinda liked that growly/scream thing. Seems a little like Chris Sligh.
Kevin the ninja is Napoleon Dynamite. For real. The wacky subtitles were hysterical.
Griffin was okay, Nicki flirting with him - did anybody else find that really awkward?
Isabel the Little House person, I liked her, her family was awesome, a duet with Keith Urban, that'll be something she can brag about for forever. Interesting change of pace with a Christmas song. She looks like she could be related to Crystal Bowersox.
Curtis was all right.
Mariah the anorexic's backstory was a little too emotional, and her voice was too flat. Seemed like maybe a nice person, though.
Brandy the adoptee was memorable, the "Making Memories of Us" voiceover was great. I liked her personality, but I didn't buy the song's story, and her voice is too powerful. But she might be one to watch.
Josh the black jacket guy was average.
Courtney was okay, I guess, but not my kind of music.
Andrew in the red shirt was pretty good.
Clifton the Secret Squirrel(where did she get that?) was all right.
Ieisha the dancer....oh gosh.
Johnny Keyser was still good, but he still looks weird.
Kezban was creepy. And how was the guitar standing straight up? Good picker, it was all right.
Ashley the black girl...that was, ah, bouncy. And, um...hmm.
Lazaro who went last was a lot better than I expected.
They gave out 47 golden tickets, so we're at 88 invited to Hollywood so far.

     The Judges -
     Dysfunctional family? Yeah, I can see that. Mariah's the demanding overbearing mother, Randy the clueless dad, Keith the cool big brother, the "normal" one, and Nicki the rebellious teenager. Ryan's the friend of Keith's who always hangs out so often that he knows their house better than his own. (Really, if you think about the roles, don't they fit? Especially Nicki's? Oh, wait....that's cause she was the rebellious that last Ice Age movie...)
     Mariah has a really weird clap, even for this show. What is it with Nicki's hats? First the drum major yesterday, and now the (leopard-print) sailor cap? And that second wig I instantly thought of Ramen noodles.

     The Quotes -
Keith, pointing at Nicki's cup: "She's drinking catnip." (I'm saving this one to use later...)
Keith, in the middle of an endless mother-daughter fight: "I swear, I feel like a scratching post!" (This too.)
Gabe the Baker, on how long he's been singing: "Well...I've been making noises since I was a baby..." (Another great line.) 
Randy, after Kevin's rap: "Sold! Really, though, I was just at an auction, and Kevin just tried to sell me an old motorcycle I didn't want." ("Gasps" Randy said something interesting and relevant!)
Brandy's Mom: "Someone's gotta be cheesy for the camera!" (True.)
Randy, during the never-ending loop of that line about the sky in Ashley's song: "The sky is broken!" (NO....really????!!!!)
Nicki, after Ashley was finished: "If you had the right vocal cords, you could really do something with your voice." (Wow. That was a Simon-quality zinger right there. And maybe even better than what he could have came up with...)
Nicki: "I would never rap in front of my mother." (I should hope not! Your mother would be scandalized.)
Nicki, on some guy: "Double-triple-quadruple-quintuple-sextuple yes!" (Just if anybody's wondering, that's 720% affirmative. Take that for loopy statistical yesses, Paula.)

     The Random Miscellanous Stuff That Doesn't Fit Anywhere Else -
     I'm really enjoying the accents. And the catfights are funny.
     I didn't get the "Good Girl" voiceover on MacKenzie at doesn't make sense lyrically to pair with the video in that setting. "Good Time" is a great voiceover for, well, most anything, really; including auditions, and I liked that Owl City's "On the Wing" was voiceover music, too, though again, doesn't make sense when you try to match lyrics with video, but it was atmospheric.
     Makeup/hair commercials were their typical strange selves, I mean, how is comparing your product to a tree's roots attractive to potential customers? The new Aflac commercial is good, mentioning without seeing the duck. That Sprint iPhone commercial was awesome, the Scrubbing Bubbles ad was great. The side effects of that drug Abilify...dang....wouldn't it be less hazardous(and quite a bit healthier) just to suffer unmedicated from depression? None of the movies shown were anywhere close to interesting-looking, and there was way too many tasty food commercials shown for a very hungry college student!!!

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