Thursday, January 31, 2013

AI-12 Auditions, Oklahoma City

     "Moans" It's almost the end of a llllllooooooonnnnggg, loooonnnngg, loooonnnggg week, I take an hour that I kind of can't have to spare in order to watch Idol....and that happens. That was embarrassing. I'm not from Oklahoma, people...
Karl was nuts, but good. Nice original song. Ryan: "So...what do you do in Joplin?" "Well, I live there." Looks like Dale Earnhardt Jr.
The sunlight was giving Keith casts on his thumbs, it was distracting.
The Montage of Poor Singers was odd.
Nate the ASL translator seemed like a cool guy, he was a good singer. Randy: "You walked in with your tie, kind of unassuming....I thought you were going to do my taxes or something."
Haley the ventriloquist was very good. And Oscar was funny. (Specially the way he got his own byline: "Oscar, 17, Talented Dog") Poor homeless puppy, yodeling for food..that was pathetic, and in a strange way very funny.
Zoanette...yikes. ("Shivers").I've heard the National Anthem sung much worse....(Like, at all NBA Finals games, for example...) but that was...ehhhwwww. So bad Keith fell out of his chair laughing. And then they voted her in by mistake? WHAT-?!!!!
The Crying Montage....
Anatasia....sorry. When Nicki does a Keith-slam on the table...that's sad. And then the voices..."groans in pain" The Cheap Dramazation was really good, though.
Kayden was very excited.
Hello, Steven Tyler...still delusional, I see. That was even worse than normal for him, though - (In a cold panicked tone) "That was Murdoc..."
45 tickets, so at least 255 people went to Hollywood in December.
Ryan and Keith went to see a Thunder game during their stay, I think we lost.
Here I go, studying again....after I study all the way up until 13 minutes to showtime, and then have to witness that...and then accidentally watched two minutes of Glee....(It's truly as bad as everyone says it is.)

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