Thursday, January 17, 2013

Late-Night Ramblings

     These are unrelated random things that I'm posting because I'm not tired yet. (And also the post-Idol commentary, fueled by Diet Coke and Monster.)

     You know it's way too quiet in your dorm when the sound of someone whistling automatically starts your fire-alarm-panic mode.

     It's kind of sad when you've been living in such frigid temperatures that a 37-degree walk can be called "pleasant".

     Floor meetings are awkward.

     How did I end up in a place where the dominant attitude towards sports is "We have a (fill-in-the-blank) team?"

     This is a great article about a ridiculous story: the whole Manti-Te'o-fake-girlfriend thing. Here's my opinion: WHO CARES? Just proof that there is basically nothing newsworthy happening in sports right now.
     (Also, while we're at it, I'll just say this about Lance Armstrong: Of course he cheated, being that he was a cyclist, where that is even more of a tradition than in baseball, it's fine; and he lied for years and years about it. That part is bad. Now stop talking about it.) Rick Reilly is a fantastic writer, this is a wonderful piece.

     This gun-control thing doesn't sound good.

     "I do not have much to say. If you vote for me, all your wildest dreams will come true."

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