12:20 am, Friday, Dec 1, 2010
Good day, it was restful. Played board games all night, Racko, Life & Scrabble, and skated in the family room. Watched football, OU beat Stanford in the Sun Bowl 31-27. First book I read this year was The Book of Virtues, a short story titled "Quality". First song K95 played this decade was "Suds in the Bucket" by Sara Evans, last song they played in 2009 was "Cowboy Casanova" by Carrie Underwood. What surprises, messups, good things and shockers will 2010 have?
12:41 am, Saturday, Dec 2, 2010
Okay, well. This new year nearly started with a catastrophe. Dad was painting the family room & the ladder fell, so he, Mom & Caleb went to the ER, turned out nothing was broken, & then when they get back Mom noticed he'd been painting the walls the wrong color! Nothing humor can't fix :) It's good it ended well.
Jan 11, 2010
Hmm, been awhile since I wrote in this. Dad broke his wrist & tore his ankle. Ouch!! Decided to try writing songs. School is going pretty
Friday, Jan 22, 2010
The concert was awesome. :) Maggie got lost again. Liesel is in part-time outside cat training. Henryetta basketball is going all right, haven't really been in the loop on church stuff, no big surprise there. We were at Sunday school last week, though. Learning about genetics in biology, that's pretty interesting. Songwriting has been going okay, made one up about Ann the dog. [I do not remember this...must have not been very good.] I'll be directing part of the drama deal, that's exciting...& worrisome. Somehow I feel kind of drained emotionally right now....it's odd. Well, can't think of what else to write, I'll get going.
Sunday, Jan 31, 2010
There was an ice storm this past week, it wasn't that bad, the power was only out for about 18 hours. Biology is going pretty well, the rest, not so much. I've felt kind of restless, been practicing guitar, won't be directing this time, it'll be kind of a talent show. Super Bowl XXXIL is gonna be Sunday, Saints vs Colts. Go Saints! Then the Olympics are starting, and in 2 weeks is the Daytona 500. 4 some reason, I think in part cause there hasn't been anything bad happening lately, I feel kinda lonely. [This still happens....life's usually a series of crises. When there hasn't been any for a while, it's hard to know how to live.]
Saturday, Feb 13, 2010
Basketball is nearly over, been an okay season. Swiftdust has been good lately, the dogs and feel kind of left out, though. Saints won the Super Bowl 31-17, the Olympics started, that's been exciting. Not so exciting is that I'm kind of sick, & haven't gotten much school done this week. I guess that Valentine's Day is tomorrow. My take? Who cares? I sometimes wonder if breaking up w/Maddie was the right thing to do. I think it was, though. Been reflecting on the sermons we heard at camp, that's been good to think about. Oh, WE GOT A NEW OVEN!! A real, normal size oven! :D Yippee! [When I get upset or nervous, I clean. When I get extremely stressed, I start cooking. We hadn't had an oven since we left Tahlequah in late September. This was a very big deal.] Oh, I mentioned Swiftdust earlier, guess I should explain who that is. She's the new guinea pig, from Southern Ag about 2 weeks ago. Mostly blonde, with white stripes and black face. Very quiet, and cute. Oh, & got my phone upgraded to a Samsung Impression, one of those slider phones. Daytona 500 is tomorrow, go #5 and #18 (Mark Martin and Kyle Busch)
March 15, 2010
Hmm. OK, baseball started, basketball ended, drama going nicely. Church? Not so much. I was reminded of that Friday night, watched The Village. Pretty good movie, that's all the good about movie nights, studying them to see how they tick. Kinda mixed up about life. Writing, music, acting, filmmaking, something else entirely? What am I supposed to do? Skeet is doing well, Dusty hasn't got in any scrapes, but I feel guilty about playing Webkinz.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Was over at Billy Veytovich's today, there was a surprise party for him. It worked. Even if he does have autism, he's still a pretty neat guy to know. Kyle, Roy, his girlfriend Kyla, JB, Evan, Julie, Quinton, Alton, Jessica Ashley, Brenna and Emily were there, too. Man, they're crazy, but GOOD crazy, ya know what I mean? Had a great time. Brenna's still (I sound like Damon...:P) kind of hot. That....uh, energy is getting more noticeable. The talent show is 2 weeks away, yet I'm not that worried. Amazing, huh? Baseball's nearly done, then....summer. Rats. Swifty
Saturday, May 1, 2010
This was a good week. Drama's been going well, hunt out w/the gang, went skating & explored Honor Heights last Friday. dad's kinda worried about money, he's gonna start working for the census Monday. I haven't had time to play Webkinz lately. Oh, we had a garage sale last Sat, we made about $420 or so. Guitar is going in the middle, some days good, other days frustrating. Camp's in less than 3 months away, excited about that. I've kind of been thinking about MiMi recently, I think cause my birthday's coming up.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
The [unreadable squiggle] went okay, I suppose. I backed out of playing guitar to "Don't Take the Girl & just sang it a capella. "Who's On First" went nicely, although it seemed like the whole show was an appetizer for JB's main course ending. Which she deserves, it's just a bit annoying, though. I think I made Brenna mad, not cool. Today we went & helped out w/the state Special Olympics in Stillwater, which was awesome. [Met Spike Mama that day; next year she'd be leading us Youth Tour kids all around Washington D.C.] Had lunch at Eskimo Joe's, which was cool. Baseball ended, which is't (but it is). It seems like I might need guitar lessons but Idk. It would probably be helpful, but I feel if I did that, it would be disheartening, somehow. And it seem so darn expensive. But they probably would help. Archery starts tomorrow for the summer, that will hopefully be cool.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Had Annette, Roy, Emily, Levi, Evan, Zeke, Quinton, Alton, Brenna, Kyle & Billy, plus Kaitlyn, Breann & their other little sisters, over for a party Saturday. That went pretty well, Roy & Breann had a big(huge) fight, but it was cleared up. Then we went to the Estrada's, & stayed til after 9. [Since mine, Roy and Emily's birthdays all fall within a week of each other, it wound up being a combined party, type of thing. Everyone got to our house late morning or early afternoon, then went over down the road to the Estradas. It was a good day. There was lots of playing "Speed Racer" video games, flirting, basketball and Ultimate Frisbee games, plus snacks.] Brenna isn't mad at me, as far as I know, she's still making her mind up about whether to go out with me or not. [Nothing ever happened with this.] She wasn't replying to my texts because she was grounded. Apparently Kaitlyn also likes Kyle. [He had a huge crush on her for years.] School's about ended for most people, it wasn't the best year for me, I don't really think I grew as a person enough since last summer. While the house was being finished, yes, but after that not much. [Looking back now, I agree even more now than I did then.] I survived football season, made it through basketball season, & endured baseball season. I'll need to try to cover softball(fastpitch, possibly slowpitch), track, cross country & tennis. It's an odd feeling to read how the seasons went, week by week, & know that I was the chronicler of them. [Very strange, yes.] People seem to like the articles, which is good. Josh & Suzanna are together now, everyone's camp timers are ticking away. I've missed MiMi a lot this past month.
Saturday, May 29, 2010 6:07 am
Well, it's my birthday. I don't feel smart enough to be 17, I don't know why. What will I do, both good & bad, over this next year?
Friday, June 12, 2010 6:38 am
Not much has happened lately, I read some new Agatha Christie stories, got myself a new camcorder, and was accepted for writing for OKBlitz.com. Roy, Billy, Zeke, Quinton, Kyle, Alton, JB, Emily, Mariah, Evan and Brenna are all at Falls Creek, I hope they're having a good time. We aren't going to have a fireworks stand this year, Dad's census stuff ends tonight. It's been a long tiring week, I think cause there isn't much to do. [This sums up most of my summers....and it reads something like a preview of college life.]
Friday, June 25, 2010
It's been an okay week, I've gotten school done, read Agatha Christie, played my guitar, practiced archery, I wrote some drafts for how I'd make videos of "Austin" and "That Ain't My Truck", & I'm gonna make drafts of videos for "Suds in the Bucket" & "Don't Take the Girl", too. Now, I just need some friend help in shooting them....AI told where they'll be holding auditions this year, the closest is Austin, and 2nd closest is Nashville. Maybe next year...& it probably wouldn't be worth it, with Simon gone, anyway. And there's no chance I'd make it, but it would be neat to try for, anyway. JB is definitely going, Annette & Julie might. I'd like to, but I can't see how I'd afford it. Camp is a month & a day away, that's cool. Tim Nehrbass might have cancer, which isn't . Been teaching Courtney & Caleb basketball, it's CRAZY hot outside. High 90's all week, humid, with heat indexes 105 & up. Almost makes you want to swim. We're going to get some kittens today.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
We named the girl kitten Leia, & Jonathan had named the other Officer, & after some dispute, that's still his name. Church was pretty good today, gave me some things to ponder. We painted an old lady's house for her Saturday morning, nobody knows Eunice Fisher very well, I don't think, but there was about 15 people who came. [I duct-taped fallen tree branches together for trash pickup, and cleaned some neighbor old guy's garden of weeds with Kaitlin Graham.] After that we went garage saling, found books & bookshelves. [This is the extremely rich neighborhoods of Tulsa; one of those books specialized in pointing out mistakes in movies. It's pretty entertaining.] I think we all breathe a sigh of relief when Monday gets here, Dad's been not exactly easy to live with. Really stressed, and tired, and that stresses me and Mom out, & basically it's nice to go back to school and cleaning. I shouldn't feel that way, I don't think, but I do. A lot of people I know have seen Toy Story 3, I wanna see it sometime, preferably still in theaters. It's just started raining, I'm watching the lightning.I haven't written anything for at least a month, it's getting old fast. Brenna still hasn't gotten her phone back yet. Less than a month til camp, we don't know who will drive us, though. It should be a good time, I'm looking forward to it, but pessimistically, as this is probably the final year they'll have it. [HAHAHAHA.....] I'm surprised to say it, but I don't want Paul or Robert to leave the youth group, I'm not ready to lead it. Although there is that quote the Taillefers like to use: "If God brings you to it, He'll see you through it." It'll work out.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
It's been a long, stressful week. We cleaned a lot, & then Amy got sick & Harry & Louise couldn't visit, Dad's been tough to be around, Courtney, Caleb and Trevor were fighting, & I can't do a thing about it. And there isn't really anybody I can talk to about it with, either. Did I mention politics reared its ugly head again, & I've been attacked by memories all week? Not necessarily bad, either, mostly good ones, but that leave you disappointed, like when they actually happened. MiMi, and cats, and riding horses, soccer, things like that. 6 years ago I went to Westville for the "last" time, just before Johnny died, & about a year before MiMi was gone, too. When I got Rocky, when life wasn't quite as complicated. I've read some Agatha Christie, & I have some Mark Twain to dive into. I can't help planning for college and the future, & I'm scared half to death about it.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
We got a trampoline Saturday, Mr. Boyd's son wanted to get rid of it. Wasn't that hard to set up, kinda fun. Camp is in 1 week and 6 days, & archery's Friday. I'm only writing this down to fill out this page before moving on to a different notebook.
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