Sunday, August 23, 2015

From the Blue Notebooks, Vol. 7

     The seventh section of recapping the journal I kept in high school in several spiral-bound blue notebooks. Editorial comments are in brackets. It's almost Thanksgiving 2010 when this post begins.

     Sunday, November 14, 2010
     Church was good today. Mr. Cox was preaching, as the Dugas' were out of town, he taught on the dangers of "Lone Ranger Christianity". Reading of MacBeth tomorrow night, hopefully that will go all right. Football is nearly over, Henryetta got knocked out, but Dewar, Beggs  & Kiefer are still in. Basketball starts the 30th at Preston, that's a Thursday. Me & Courtney have been playing Yahtzee, it can be a lot like life. You get random dive, & it's up to you to use them in the best way possible. You don't get to choose the circumstances you live in, but you use your place in life circumstances wisely, making the most of oppurtunities as they come along. Thinking about colleges. Don't think C of O, Rogers State's kinda expensive, maybe NSU, maybe OSU-Okmulgee.Need to look at UCO a bit, might consider there an option.

     Thursday, Dec 2, 2010
     This has been a busy week. Sunday we missed church, Monday we did school & cleaned a little, Tuesday school, Mrs. Jackson's speech class and basketball started. Wednesday school, wrote & typed & sent the article of the game, uploaded pics I snapped w/my new camera(a Canon PowerShot A3100) that I found Sunday night for $70 off at Target, and rang Salvation Army bells & sang Christmas carols for two hours at Wal-Mart w/the gang. Today we went to Westville, and took Nano to her eye doctor in Siloam Springs. When we got back, OKBlitz had posted a link to their Facebook page of the story I sent yesterday, which was neat. [That was really awesome....] "If you can meet with triumph and disaster/And treat those two impostors just the same...then you'll be a Man, my son" - from a poem by Rudyard Kipling, I think. Tomorrow's drama and Dad's East Central Christmas party, so I'll miss Henryetta's first home basketball game this year season. Phone call time, I guess. :P Tuesday was Brenna's birthday. Guitar is slowly improving, "Fly Like an Eagle" is awesome to play.

     Wednesday, Dec 8, 2010
     "The Fight for Neverworld" is Friday night, emergency practice is tomorrow morning, then dress rehearsal Friday morning, then that night the actual play. It's the worst we've ever had, (no offense meant to Annette or JB, but it's true), and people know most of their lines, so if it flops, it won't be that big of a deal. Still, it could be the last, & student-written scripts could be shot down if it fails. It's not important at all, but it's very important. I'm not nervous, however. I'm scared. "Down By the Creek Bank" was the only time I've ever been scared to do a play before. Annette's not easy w/it, either. If neither of us are comfortable with it, how does the rest of the cast feel? Apathetic? It's extremely trivial, but for something worthless, it sure seems like a lot is riding on it. Writing is going all right, algebra is making sense, fiction writing is coming together sentence by sentence. The scrap on previous page is from "If", by Rudyard Kipling. [This play is on my YouTube channel; if you were curious. It makes very little sense.]

     Sunday, December 12, 2010
     2 years ago today, life changed radically. In some ways, more than after MiMi died. Like, everywhere in the house is reminders, from the kitchen to the barn to the floor to my clothes. "Neverworld" went pretty well. I've been piecing it together to set on YouTube. Let's see...the Gastons hadn't moved yet, I was still doing volunteer stuff for the ONW, Rocky hadn't been gone for long, Logan was still in Ohio, & Klipsey was still around. We'd just wrapped up "Joseph", my finger was broken, I hadn't started guitar seriously yet. I've definitely grown as a person. God's been very good to us. "Why does the past always seem safer?/maybe because at least we know we've made it/and why do we worry about the future when every day/will come just the way the Lord ordained it?" [Chris Rice, "8th Grade"] This week: Algebra, typing, logic, speech class Tuesday, caroling Tuesday, basketball Friday(& Tuesday), housecleaning, finish up Christmas shopping, that's about it. Seems odd that this year's almost over.

     Thursday, December 16, 2010
     Whew. This has been a tiring week. The washer was fixed (maybe) today, we went to Westville yesterday, Tuesday listened to a pair of losses, sat through a speech class that went both well and dismally, sang Christmas carols at nursing homes for two hours, watched a wrestling match, and waited through a power shutoff at McDonald's. [Logan's wrestling team was in Okmulgee; it was a strange experience to watch. So was the McDonald's blackout, which was just before the caroling. No one had remembered to bring lyrics or sheet music except for me, so Mrs. Wright flew someplace to make copies before we all finished lunch.] Mrs. Jackson created a new policy for cell phones, in hopes of restoring order to her classes. [They were not allowed; to be shut off and placed into a holding box until class let out. The course basically screeched to a halt in the following uproar.] Billy & Mariah & JB got into a fight, which was both embarrassing and disappointing. [A very public Facebook group-message one about the policy.] Result so far? Mr. Pickard doesn't like the new policy, & he made Breann quit. It was a discouraging day. There's been a few good things, though; Card games & coffee at the Wright's, finishing a rewrite of "Kick, Pass and Run", by Leonard Kessler, seeing Nano, singing Christmas songs, getting a thank-you email from Annette for chastising the complainers, & finding the book of The Princess Bride. [So some good came of that day in the Okmulgee library.] Hopefully school tomorrow, probably cleaning, basketball, Idk what else. It occasionally feels like Christmas is near, but mainly December is just about surviving, somehow.

     Saturday, January 1, 2011
     I lived up to my New Year's resolution last year. [It was to survive.] It wasn't the worst year, but it could have been better. Dad broke some ribs & his wrist, we lost six cats; Liesel, Maggie, Skittles, Benjy, & the Joneses' two kittens. We got chickens, most of them died, I got Swifty, Copper found us, Mom brought Skeet home with pizza, I finished my first biology textbook, learned to tolerate baseball, bought my videocamera and camera(both on sale), had to reteach myself guitar, found out improv is fun, but doesn't (at all) make a good thing to watch, & also found out not to trust a script with one-liners and inside jokes every three words. Spent some good times w/ the gang, skating & exploring Honor Heights, Christmas caroling, demolishing Billy's house, having my, Roy & Emily's parties on the same day, shooting archery, swimming. We met Mariah, and she became family that first day, Zeke went back to Beggs. The book discussion group with the Nolands, Trinnica, Mrs. Perry & the Bolands was started. I began writing for, they seem to like my work. In music, big songs were "Welcome To the Future", "Water", "American Saturday Night", "Love Like Crazy", "Temporary Home", "The House That Built Me" & "The Boys of Fall". [GOOD year for country music.] That's the year's highlights in a nutshell, I suppose.

     Tuesday, January 18, 2011
     School's been going okay, the county basketball tournament is this week. It's exhausting to track games for six hours straight. 8 down, 14 to go. [In six days. And that's just listening; not counting actually typing all those stories necessary.] AI starts tomorrow night, it won't be as good without Simon. Speech class was postponed until further notice, drama starts in two weeks. Mrs. Jackson asked me to find a script, which is a hard thing to do. Not much interesting has happened. I need to finish an essay on energy efficiency, wrote 13 articles, finished a short story & edited a script last week, Caleb's been football-crazy the last couple's kinda funny.

     Saturday, February 5, 2011
     Well, I've done a bit of schoolwork. Looked at NSU, UCO & Rogers State, need more info. Haven't seen a basketball game for nearly three weeks. It's been snowing, & snowing, & snowing. We've gotten, like, 7-12 inches. With no ice attached. It's pretty, but annoying, cause we're stuck in the house. The gray van's transmission went out, so we can't go anywhere, really. There's supposed to be another six inches Tuesday, maybe an ice storm. Yay. Mrs. Jackson outdid herself in choosing a completely idiotic script. It's something British that would have a small chance of being funny if it had four or five actors, but sixteen? And it's like, ten minutes long! As Rope said, "Miss, it does not teach anyone anything." [Zeke's character from "The Apple"] And it is "worthless". If I see whatever it ends up as, it will be "the most painfully awkward script I've ever had the misfortune to witness". Been studying for the ACT, the English & Reading tests look easy. Idk about the Writing test, Science doesn't look good, & Mathematics kinda scares me. I rewrote Lonestar's "I'm Already There", practicing guitar and piano. [I like how I've dabbled in all these non-string instruments, learning none competently.] I started a second draft of the "Horsin' Around" story, & in the middle of a second draft of Dusty's story. I should rewrite "AWZ"  & "Cougar Country". The Super Bowl is tomorrow, I don't really care whether the Packers or the Steelers win. Why is there such a fuss over Valentine's Day? And why is the only song "I lost you" song that admits it's my fault you left written by Taylor Swift? [Mom and Sam's project to change my mind about Taylor's music was still very much a work-in-progress.] Well, there's "Between You and Me". Hmm, maybe I need to write one... I'll be 18 in three months. I don't feel ready. Is that a sign I'm not, or that I am? God sure does answer prayers. Mom & Dad just got a check for their share of Grandma Joy's property, that could help bills a lot. Should I allow the possibility of maybe dating someone? Or should I continue to stay away from anything that looks like a relationship? Skeet loves the snow. Caleb's been sick, hope we don't all get it. I wonder how these pages will look two, three, five, ten years from now? What will they say about me?

     Monday, 2-4-11
     The snow melted! Basketball is again underway! I got, stay-in-bed-and-take-naps sick. I'm nearly better, but have to go to the doctor tomorrow. Hope to start school again tomorrow, Idk though. Typed up & sent five articles today, three Free Lance, two OKBlitz.  Baseball season is coming up pretty soon. I ran into Lizzy last night on Webkinz. Why all the fuss about February 14? What's the point? To let couple enjoy each other, & everyone can "forget" it's a holiday. Got some new glasses today, they need to be adjusted. Being sick is no fun.

     Thursday, 2-24-11
     ACT prep. Playoff basketball. A strong feeling of discouragement. These are what's been happening. That DC essay needs to be finished & sent by Modnay, youth group murder mystery is tomorrow. [That was a blast. I played an alcoholic writer of paperback Westerns, and got a ton of compliments on my ability to act drunk. Besides, it was terrific to be acting again. And worked some of Sam's backstory into the plot of the mystery, which she thought was funny.] I can't really write, cause I'm going to revise some old stuff, & I need a lot of blank paper. Archery was yesterday, that was great. Those guys are awesome. Idol announced the top 24, voting starts next week. The Hollises are going to Michigan, their grandpa's dying of cancer. Baseball is about here (yay.) Well, it's something to write about. I don't have much time left until I head to college. It's kinda scary. Should I try to go on X-Factor?

     Sunday, 3-6-11
     The murder mystery was awesome. It felt so good to act again. I played the part of Warren Peace, an author of Western books for a Japanese publisher. He's gotten into girl problems often, & has a weakness for tequila and brunettes. I got some compliments on my playing of a drunk, lol. I really miss the homeschool group. :( I know I need to separate from most of them eventually, but that doesn't exactly make it easier to deal with. I finished that DC essay, Idk if it's any good, bu I see why people dislike them. They are hard to write!!! Current story has some problems that need ironing out(e.g. stiff dialogue, awkward sentences), but the plot's coming along. About halfway through the second version. "Horsin' Around"s third draft is opening well. Thinking about typing up that story I've never found a good title for, might put it on Facebook. [How I shared writing projects before starting this blog. The last ten notes mysteriously disappeared, which has bugged me ever since.] We visited Nano on Wednesday, that was nice. We also saw Louise, Harry, Robbie & Grandpa, which was even better. Should start Latin tomorrow, maybe chemistry, not sure about geometry. I'm stuck in a vortex. I have to write, & what I put down seems unnatural & predictable. I really need to talk to somebody, maybe I'll feel better. I figured up last night OKBlitz has published 41 of my articles since August, two of which were mentioned on Twitter, one on Facebook and at least three on KOTV's main site. It's very frustrating not to be able to drive.

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